NIST Hosts Upcoming Workshop on Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Transactive Energy | SEPA Skip to content

NIST Hosts Upcoming Workshop on Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Transactive Energy

December 6, 2016, in New York City

NIST’s Transactive Energy Challenge (TE Challenge), launched a year ago, is set to begin a new phase (Phase II) that will focus on building modeling capability and tackling the many research questions that must be addressed as transactive energy concepts and use cases are explored and tested. Phase I of the Challenge wrapped up earlier this fall, with a September 20 webinar and virtual meeting (presentations available online).

As the TE Challenge program moves forward, the NIST TE Challenge team wants to hear from technology companies, grid operators, and other stakeholders about future business models and challenges in the distributed energy resources revolution. To facilitate these interactions, NIST is holding two workshops on “Harnessing the Power of Distributed Energy Resources: Quantifying Transactive Energy and Economics.”

The second workshop will be held Tuesday, December 6, 2016 in Manhattan, NY. Venue details, agenda, and registration links for the December 6 workshop will be announced shortly. Technology companies, regulators, utilities, and other stakeholders are invited to join the participants in a dynamic and interactive program.


The earlier workshop was held Thursday, October 20, 2016, in San Jose, CA. With 40 people in attendance, the meeting featured presentations from industry experts on the challenges and experience of DER integration and market operation. Mike Gravely (California Energy Commission) presented a keynote on the role of distributed resources in California’s future, and David Holmberg (NIST) outlined the TE Challenge. Don Reeves (Silver Spring Networks) and Steve Bushby (NIST) addressed the technologies, tools, and techniques that impact the grid in a TE environment. Lorenzo Kristov (CAISO) and Avi Gopstein (NIST) spoke on the topic of ensuring the availability and delivery of TE services across markets. The final session included Audrey Lee (Advanced Microgrid Solutions) and Marty Burns (NIST) discussing validation of TE models. Each session was followed by questions and feedback from attendees. Presentations from the meeting are posted now on the event site.
