SEPA Statement on Inflation Reduction Act | SEPA Skip to content

SEPA Statement on Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Julia Hamm, President and CEO of the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) has issued the following statement on today’s signing of the Inflation Reduction Act.

“The signing of the Inflation Reduction Act signals our country’s commitment to combating the climate crisis through an accelerated transformation to a carbon-free electricity system. When paired with the 2021 Infrastructure and Jobs Act, these policies and funding will support the vast number of entities, including states, cities, utilities and large energy users, who have made commitments to aggressive carbon-reduction goals.

We support the foundational efforts in this bill, including extending and expanding a variety of critical energy tax incentives, and providing funding for electrification, resilience, and building efficiency efforts, that will provide significant long-term benefits to customers and deliver a clean and equitable energy future. We encourage the swift implementation of these policies and look forward to helping our members and industry stakeholders leverage these historic investments to accelerate progress.”

Media contact: Jordan Nachbar; [email protected]; 202-559-2034

About SEPA
The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) is dedicated to helping electric power stakeholders address the most pressing issues they encounter as they pursue the transition to a clean and modern electric future and a carbon-free energy system by 2050. We are a trusted partner providing education, research, standards, and collaboration to help utilities, electric customers, and other industry players across three pathways: Electrification, Grid Integration, Regulatory and Business Innovation. Through educational activities, working groups, peer-to-peer engagements and advisory services, SEPA convenes interested parties to facilitate information exchange and knowledge transfer to offer the highest value for our members and partner organizations. For more information, visit

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