Lessons from A DER Revolution – Findings from the Executive Mission to Australia

Lessons from A DER Revolution – Findings from the Executive Mission to Australia

Join SEPA, ScottMadden, and a select group of energy executives who recently returned from a mission to Australia, with fresh insights into how high-levels of distributed, rooftop solar have permanently changed the energy landscape there. Like the US, Australia is examining its energy future and strategizing and implementing solutions to effectively manage renewable and distributed energy resources while meeting customer expectations.

This webinar will highlight the key challenges and impacts of the transition into a more distributed future and practical approaches being applied to optimize the deployment of DERs utilizing effective programs and innovative technologies to ensure system resilience and reliability.

You will learn:

  • How rooftop solar has become a discretionary purchase in Australia
  • Effective customer engagement and the move to a customer-centric model
  • Problem-solving tools and investments required manage 30% distributed solar penetration
  • How storage is going to contribute to the energy future – and not just battery storage
  • The importance of data integrity and access and the significant value it holds to those that capture it.