Let's promote innovation and protect consumers through an improved regulatory process.

The world is innovating by leaps and bounds but regulatory processes, developed over the last 100 years, are challenged to keep up. That slows innovation and makes it harder for customers – and society at large – to leverage and benefit from the latest technological advances and operating practices. Our task force and partners are gearing up to tackle this issue and change regulatory processes, practice and structures to foster innovation to build a modern grid and promote a modern society. 

Renovate Mission

The Renovate mission is to spur the evolution of state regulatory processes and practices to enable innovation, with a focus on scalable deployment of new technologies and operating models, to meet customer needs and increasing expectations while continuing to provide all with clean, affordable, safe, and reliable electric service.

Problem Statements

People & Knowledge

The steep learning curve for policy makers, commissioners, commission staff, industry, and other stakeholders in acquiring knowledge and understanding of new technologies, and their benefits and costs for customers can complicate and lengthen the decision making process.
Managing Risk & Uncertainty

Current regulations and structures favor tried and true technologies, operations and approaches, in the name of prudence, strictly applying the “used and useful” principle. For new technologies and operating practices, there is uncertainty about the processes to identify and quantify benefits and costs, outline the full range of investment and operating options, and communicate and align incentives with agreed goals for the benefit of all customers.
Managing Increased Rate of Change

Regulatory proceedings on grid investments and customer programs often take so long that relevant technology providing customer benefit has advanced before a commission assessment can be completed or decision can be reached.
Complexity of Objectives / Cross-Coordination

Commissions have a mandate to serve the public interest, but increasingly, numerous priorities must be considered and balanced under an expanding definition of “public interest,” including: reasonable rates, customer choice, customer protection, environmental protection, current system structure, evolving system structure, with both short-term and long-term perspectives. (This fourth problem statement may be treated differently given its broader focus.)

Renovate Is Working Toward

Innovation-friendly regulatory processes and practices

Proposed and adopted changes by legislators and regulators

Solutions roadmaps that move us to a modern, reliable grid

Meet the Renovate Task Force


Marion Gold | Commissioner, Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission

M. Beth Trombold | Interim Chair, Public Utility Commission of Ohio

Ellen Nowak | Commissioner, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin

Letha Tawney | Commissioner, Oregon Public Utility Commission

David Danner | Chairman, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission

(former) Mark Schuling | Iowa Consumer Advocate

(former) Brien Sheahan | Chairman and CEO, Illinois Commerce Commission


Philip Dion | Vice President, Customer Solutions and Policy, American Electric Power

Pat Reiten | Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Berkshire Hathaway Energy

Noel Black | Vice President, Federal Regulatory Affairs, Southern Company

Sheri Givens | Vice President, US Regulatory & Customer Strategy National Grid

Christopher Budzynski  | Director, Strategy & Business Development, Exelon Utilities (replaced Val Jensen)

(former) Val Jensen | Senior Vice President, Strategy and Policy, Exelon Utilities

Consumer Advocates

Christopher Ayers | Executive Director, North Carolina Utilities Commission Public Staff

David Kolata | Executive Director, Citizens Utility Board of Illinois

D. Maurice Kreis | Consumer Advocate, New Hampshire Office of the Consumer Advocate


Chris Brooks | Assembly Member, Nevada

Solution Providers

Marisa Uchin | Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs, Oracle

Vicki Trees | VP, Segment Marketing, Landis+Gyr

(former) Julie Blunden | EVP, Business Development, EVgo

State Energy Offices

Ryan Opsal | Energy Policy Manager, Maryland Energy Administration

Samuel D. Brothwell  |  Director of Research, Energy Income Partners LLC

Partnering Organizations

The Renovate Initiative is launched in partnership with these leading electric industry groups.

Renovate in the News

Are you ready to change the regulatory process?