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Making Energy Storage Work

Energy storage has the potential to add great value to the grid, acting as both load and generation, providing support for renewable integration and delivering other customer benefits. But, incorporating energy storage into the grid means adjusting utility business models to account for this unique grid asset. More utilities are adopting energy storage solutions, including 21 who have included it in their integrated resource plans. How can utilities adjust their business models to reap the value of energy storage as storage prices decline? Download this report to see key factors impacting utility business models for storage, creative utility business model examples and four utility case studies.

This report explores five key factors impacting utility business models, including: 

  • Monetizing Multiple Value Streams
  • Incorporating Storage as Part of a Microgrid
  • Addressing Renewable Intermittency with Hybrid Configurations
  • Storage as a Non-Wires Alternative (NWA)
  • Locational Constraints and Demand Cost Reduction

Utility Business Models for Grid Connected Storage

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