Grid Architecture Working Group

Our Work


The Grid Architecture Working Group provides thought leadership to the electric sector in the discipline of grid architecture and the related field of IT enterprise architecture.

Grid architecture is the application of system architecture, network theory, and control theory to the electric power grid. It is a high-level description of the grid, and acts as a bridge between requirements and detailed system design. A well-conceived grid architecture that originates from, and is consistent with, the requirements but can enable many potential future use cases will mitigate uncertainties and risk and result in a grid that is flexible and adaptable as new requirements need to be addressed driven by the fast pace of energy innovation.

Areas of activity include:

  • identifying system integration challenges that are architecturally-significant,
  • identifying best practices related to cyber-physical resiliency and enterprise architecture ontology
  • leading task forces on architecture related topics such a platforms and energy services interfaces
  • providing peer review input to the DOE/PNNL GMLC* Grid Architecture Program
  • providing educational outreach.

Prior accomplishments of the working group include working with NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the GridWise Architecture Council to develop a high-level, overarching perspective of the characteristics, uses, interfaces, requirements and standards needed to enable the Smart Grid, and, the development of a semantic ontology of actors involved in grid use cases to standardize the way the industry conceptualizes and models interactions in the modern grid.

  • Meeting Schedule:  Monthly Conference Call/Webinar
  • Member Vice Chair: Position Currently Open
  • Member Co-Chairs: Ron Cunningham, AEP and Ron Melton, PNNL
  • SEPA Staff Lead: Aaron Smallwood

* Department of Energy Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium

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For more information, contact [email protected]