Transactive Energy Working Group Access Working Group Our Work Transactive energy is a term used to describe a range of next-generation approaches to managing the grid. It is the economic integration of DERs into wholesale and retail markets. The Transactive Energy Working Group develops tools and techniques that advance the understanding and application of transactive energy concepts to enable high penetrations of DERs that are supported by intelligent economic market structures, standards, and regulations within the electric sector. Key objectives include: integration of distributed energy resources (DER) with an emphasis on distribution-level operations and integration of behind-the-meter customer DER (including demand flexibility); coordination of resources to improve system efficiency; providing grid ancillary services including ramping and balancing; and management of congestion. Meeting Schedule: Monthly Conference Call/Webinar Member Chair: Trevor Hardy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Member Vice Chair: David Holmberg, NIST SEPA Staff Lead: Cynthia Hun Jaehne, SEPA Get Involved You can access or join the working group at For information or to get involved, contact [email protected]