2024 Germany Executive Fact Finding Mission

October 6 - 11, 2024

2024 Germany Executive Fact Finding Mission

Get ready for practical lessons with your peers in the market that has led the energy transition from the very beginning.

The mission is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending please complete the brief form below.

From the beginning, Germany has been on the cutting edge as a first adopter in the transition to a clean and efficient energy future. Germany has experienced all of the opportunities and challenges of this transition and continues to have critical lessons to share with us as the journey continues. In a challenging climate of energy security issues, EU policy changes and an economy heavy in industry and technology, Germany’s goal to be net carbon-free by 2045 is within reach with new approaches and technologies, five years ahead of the EU goal. Currently, more than 50% of electricity is supplied by renewable energy.

Who Should Attend?

Utility executives responsible for carbon reduction strategic planning and achieving clean energy goals.

Why you should attend:

  • To build productive and lasting relationships with peers through candid discussions and shared experiences.
  • To return with practical, applicable lessons that can inform your planning and future efforts.
  • To visit unique energy sites and experience, first-hand, a variety of technology solutions to a carbon-free future.
  • To view the current draft program, see here.

How You Will Spend Your Time

Key Questions Delegates Will Explore

  1. How is plentiful and low-cost wind power from the north challenging grid stability?
  2. What policies are having the most impact in the energy sector and are challenging utility business models as well as the role of the customer in a complicated energy market?
  3. What have been the unexpected consequences of the energy transition, including an increase in the use of coal and oil in the short term?
  4. How are generation, efficiency, and use improving with new technologies, enabling a cleaner more efficient system?
  5. What new technologies have developed or are on the horizon for better system control and resiliency including more efficient generation, flexible fuels, and using excess heat for district heating?
  6. What is the outlook for hydrogen and can green hydrogen significantly reduce carbon in heavy industry?

The Unique Fact-Finding Mission Experience

Executive Fact-Finding Missions are in-the-field learning labs for U.S. energy executives. Mission participants visit energy markets around the world to learn best practices, new approaches and potential challenges around the energy transformation. Executives leave with lessons they can apply to their work at home.

Interested in Registering?

Fill out the form below.


Opportunities like this to explore other markets –  to see what is working and what is not – allow participants to reflect critically on their own biases and beliefs. These interactions also provide insights into the pace of change that our industry is experiencing. And they serve to highlight a truth – to succeed in the future, our businesses will need to adapt to that change.

- Archie Collins, President & CEO, TECO - Tampa Electric

Want to learn more?
See past participants, additional testimonials, and more