2011 Italy Fact Finding Mission May 7 - 14, 2011 8 days Italy Our Fact Finding Missions are the best resource for hands-on experience with solar technologies, programs, and policies. Event Archive: Italy Fact Finding Mission 2011 | Italy Why did we go? In 2009, Italy became the second fastest growing solar market in the world. With SunEdison’s completion of the 70 MW Rovigo solar plant, Italy is now home to the largest single PV power plant in Europe. Supportive policies and (more recently) efforts to improve the authorization process have contributed to this explosive growth. What was addressed? The factors behind this expanding market and the new policies put in place to promote the sustainability of the market. How solar growth is impacting utilities and other participants in the energy sector and how they are responding to new challenges. The barriers to increased integration of solar and the opportunities for continued growth. The factors impacting the sustainability of Italy’s solar market. Lessons U.S. utilities learned from their colleagues in Italy on the growth of solar in Italy and their role in this market. This was an invaluable learning experience and an unparalleled opportunity for the utility delegates to network with their peers. The group met with key utility players as well as representatives from the Italian government, the solar industry and the solar and utility associations. They also met with other solar stakeholders and visited several solar power plants as they traveled through Italy with stops in Milan, Venice and Rome. View the 2011 event program with itinerary details. Get the comprehensive report outlining the 2011 mission. Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn