2012 New York & New Jersey Fact Finding Mission

September 30 - October 4, 2012
5 days
New York & New Jersey

Our Fact Finding Missions are the best resource for hands-on experience with solar technologies, programs, and policies.

Event Archive: New York & New Jersey Fact Finding Mission

September 30 – October 4, 2012 | New York & New Jersey, US


Why did we go?

SEPA went east for its second annual U.S. Fact Finding Mission in 2012. The one-week tour brought utility executives and managers to solar sites in New York and New Jersey. The emphasis of the tour was on a first-hand observation of how utilities in the region are designing and managing solar programs for customers, investing in utility-scale projects, and handling interconnections and grid integration issues. This tour included an inside look at New Jersey – one of the most dynamic solar markets in the U.S. Three New Jersey utilities secured top 10 positions in SEPA’s 2011 Utility Solar Rankings report.


What was addressed?

This information-packed week-long Fact Finding Mission provides an unparalleled opportunity to learn first-hand about utility solar programs, policies, trends and renewable energy integration challenges and solutions from utilities and experts in some of the most dynamic U.S. Solar Markets. New Jersey is the 3rd largest solar market in the U.S. and New York is the 7th. The mission delegation will have discussion-focused meetings and site visits with: • Atlantic City Electric • Brookhaven National Laboratory • Consolidated Edison • Long Island Power Authority • New York Power Authority • PSE&G


View the 2012 event program with itinerary details.
Get the details about this mission - view the info promotional sheet.