
Designing and Marketing Community Solar Programs for Low-Income Customers

May 11, 2017
2:00 pm EST
60 mins
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Designing and Marketing Community Solar Programs for Low-Income Customers
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Low-income solar programs have historically been difficult to design and implement at scale — think roof-by-roof Habitat for Humanity style projects. However, lower solar costs and new design ideas have brought fresh energy to this important, yet underserved, market. The challenge is to develop and promote programs in a way that this segment of the market finds attractive while saving utilities money.

Join SEPA, the Pacific Consulting Group, and the Rocky Mountain Institute as we examine both low-income community solar concepts as well as larger scale models. In addition, this session will show how new market research on the low-income segment can be used to forecast which program designs and communications strategies will be most successful. Participants will gain insight into how to design and introduce programs that can save money over existing bill subsidy arrangements while providing thousands of low-income customers with solar benefits.

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