
Planning for Success – Utility Managed Charging Case Studies

June 6, 2019
11:00 AM PST/ 2:00 PM EST
60 minutes
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Planning for Success – Utility Managed Charging Case Studies
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As more electric vehicles hit the roads, managing the impact of this new load will become even more critical for utilities. Following up on the SEPA publication of “A Comprehensive Guide to Electric Vehicle Managed Charging,” this webinar will provide additional lessons learned and best practices from the utility-run managed charging case studies highlighted in the report.

Expert insights will include:

Mike Vervair will explain how Avista’s program shifted residential EV charging through demand response events without upsetting customers.

Karim Farhat from PG&E will detail how the utility helped drivers receive more than 57% of their energy from renewable resources through auto telematics.

Mauro Dresti will cover Southern California Edison’s pilot program that successfully reduced the rate of charge by 50% in workplace, public, and multi-unit dwelling chargers.

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