
Proactive Demand Side Management – Building a Better Non-Wires Solution?

July 14, 2021
2:00 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. PT
60 minutes
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Proactive Demand Side Management – Building a Better Non-Wires Solution?
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The viability of innovative non-wires solutions has created new opportunities for utilities and solution providers to find lower cost solutions to common grid challenges. This session will investigate how proactive market design can increase the effectiveness of these solutions and increase opportunities for utilities and their customers.
Grid Integration

After participating in the webinar, attendees will be able to:
1. Describe market conditions and explain how transactive market design and demand response can support carbon reduction efforts
2. Explain how a subscription transactive tender can recover allowable costs of energy, stabilize grid conditions, mitigate billing volatility and address future demand and planning activities on existing circuits.


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