RE+ Event

RE+ Northwest

August 20 - 22, 2024
Tacoma, WA
RE+ Northwest

Welcome to the inaugural RE+ Northwest! Join clean energy industry colleagues at RE+ Northwest, co-located with the Green Transportation Summit & Expo, and explore the integration of solar, storage, and additional renewable energy assets like wind energy and electric vehicle infrastructure in the region.

Join conversations with industry buyers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, and more to explore solutions, exchange ideas, and discover new technologies.



Powered by SEIA and SEPA

Industry leaders SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association) and SEPA (Smart Electric Power Alliance) produce RE+ Northwest. All proceeds from the event go right back into the industry. What does this mean? It means registering for RE+ Northwest funds the year-round research and education provided by the two associations. Better yet, members of SEPA receive discounts to attend!