
Reinventing Demand Response with DERs

September 6, 2018
11:00 AM PDT/ 2:00 PM EDT
60 minutes
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Reinventing Demand Response with DERs
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How will demand response adapt to a changing grid?

The ways we can utilize demand response has completely changed in the last 5 years with the amount of renewable and distributed energy resources on the grid. The question for utilities is, with this changing grid what are the best technologies to balance supply and demand?

Leading players in the industry are exploring the ability of demand response to fill valleys, clip peaks, and react to fluctuations along the grid. During this free webinar you will dive deeper into Arizona Public Services’ reverse demand response efforts, hear about research on DR renewable integration from Navigant, review key insights from the SEPA-PLMA Demand Response Snapshot Report, and explore the potential expanding role of DR.

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Reinventing Demand Response

Reinventing Demand ResponseReinventing Demand Response

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