Webinar SEPA Member Training: Overview of SEPA’s Working Group program and new Collaboration Workspace April 25, 2019 11:00 AM PST/ 2:00 PM EST 60 minutes Register for Webinar Members Free Non-members Free Register for Webinar Get the Most Out of SEPA’s Most Collaborative Benefit The SEPA Working Group program is one of the most collaborative benefits that SEPA offers. Comprised of 11 electric power sector focused groups and even more sub-groups, SEPA Working Groups offer an opportunity to learn, share and work together on important industry challenges. To enhance our Working Group collaboration and to accomplish even more, SEPA has launched a new online community and collaboration tool that SEPA Working Groups use to house topical content, enable group discussions, collaborate on group-shared documents and foster deeper relationships. Join us for an introduction to the SEPA Working Group program, and to receive training about how to access and use the enhanced online community. We encourage members to attend in person and take advantage of a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar. The webinar will also be recorded and training documents will be available for members unable to attend. Register for Webinar Not a member? Learn more about the benefits of joining the SEPA community. View Membership Info Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn