
Stacking DER Values: Increasing Asset Value or Reducing Grid Reliability?

June 15, 2017
2:00 pm EST
60 minutes
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Stacking DER Values: Increasing Asset Value or Reducing Grid Reliability?
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Value stacking is defined as the bundling of grid applications, creating multiple value streams, which can improve the economics for distributed energy resources. Bundling grid applications to stack up multiple values can improve the economics for distributed energy resource (DER) technology investments by improving the return on investment (ROI) and reducing the payback period. However, in some areas of the country, DER value stacking complicates the interconnection and operation of the asset(s), especially when combining retail-level value with wholesale market services.

This webinar will provide examples of how value stacking has been done successfully today in wholesale power markets, as well as highlight some of the existing barriers, coordination challenges, and operational challenges.

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