Fourth Quarter 2016 SEPA Research Agenda October 18, 2016 As we enter the final quarter of the year, SEPA is excited to offer a diverse array of research reports and member briefs on topics ranging from solar tax law and microgrid business structures to rates and regulatory requirements. All of our Q4 releases will be available to SEPA members for free and to nonmembers for a fee. Utility Solar Tax Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Federal Incentive Programs (V.4) One of our most popular reports, this utility tax manual will update the previous edition released in 2012. Produced in partnership with Chadbourne & Parke LLP, this report covers the extension of the federal investment tax credit, new rules related to battery storage systems combined with eligible solar systems, and other significant changes related to solar tax law. The Integration of Distributed Energy Resources: California and New York Produced in partnership with consulting firm ScottMadden, this report will include an overview of the similarities and differences between the regulatory requirements for distributed energy resource (DER) planning processes in California and New York. It will include a compare/contrast of major plan elements, including cost benefit analysis, rate reform processes, management and communication of costs, and data sharing. Identifying Business Structures to Maximize the Potential of Microgrids To be co-authored with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), this paper will describe what a microgrid is, as well as various microgrid configurations, and the factors driving microgrid development. It will also explore the technical, regulatory and economic challenges to wider adoption and examine relevant ownership and business models for structuring microgrids in various settings. Selected case studies will be included to provide real-world context. Finally, the report will discuss the future for microgrids and ways utilities, solution providors and communities can strategically incorporate them into the larger grid operations. Member Brief How Do Changes in Residential Electricity Rates Impact DER Technologies? Residential electricity rates are under intense scrutiny nationally. This paper looks at the economic impacts of various proposed rate changes on specific DER technologies homeowners might consider, including solar, battery storage, electric vehicles, and energy efficiency. Rate changes need to stand the test of time and the pace of DER price reductions. Understanding the holistic influences across technologies is an important consideration. Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn