SEPA along with EDD, PHI and Clean Power Research to speak at IEEE April 4, 2022 SEPA announced today that they will be speaking at IEEE on Monday, April 25th on “Managing High Penetration DERs with Integrated System Modeling” along with project team members from Pepco, EDD, and CleanPower Research. The session will be held at 11am in room 398/399 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. This 3-year DOE-funded project will update attendees on how the integrated model is enabling integration to existing systems such as SCADA, AMI, and Load Forecasting to better monitor, manage and control DERs. The project team will speak about the single model from transmission to secondary distribution and how it is being used to detect operational abnormalities, cyber breaches and measurement and control failures. Media contact: Jordan Nachbar [email protected]; 202-559-2034 Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn