SEPA Responds to Passage of Puerto Rico Energy Public Policy Act April 12, 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday Governor Ricardo Rosselló signed into law the Puerto Rico Energy Public Policy Act which lays the groundwork for the island’s transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. “Puerto Rico is the latest addition to a long and growing list of U.S. states, corporations, utilities, municipalities and other entities committed to aggressive goals around decarbonization and clean energy,” said Julia Hamm, president and CEO of the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). “We believe it will be critical for all stakeholders to work together to create practical and thoughtful plans to deliver on these laudable goals while maintaining the reliability, affordability and safety of our power system. SEPA is leading national efforts around four pathways: utility business models, regulatory innovation, grid integration and transportation electrification, all of which are relevant to the transition underway in Puerto Rico.” “We applaud Puerto Rico’s vision and enabling policy to chart a course to 100% renewables for the island’s power sector,” said Cris Eugster, Chair of SEPA’s board of directors and COO of CPS Energy. “While Puerto Rico still faces many challenges, SEPA and others stand ready to help stakeholders work collaboratively to develop a clear roadmap.” Hamm and Eugster serve as the co-chairs of the Transformation Advisory Council, a group of power sector veterans who are advising the island’s only utility, Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), on the transition. SEPA, in partnership with the Solar Energy Industries Association and Solar and Energy Storage Association of Puerto Rico, will host Solar Power Puerto Rico on April 30 – May 1, 2019. At the event, energy leaders will share their insights on the island’s new energy legislation, PREPA, and grid integration and modernization. Media contact: Jordan Nachbar, [email protected] or 202-559-2034 Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn