Webinar Engaged in Conversation: Grid 3.0 Workshop If “Grid 1.0” can be thought of as the legacy grid of the 20th century and “Grid 2.0” as the emergence of the smart grid with automation and information technology improvements, then “Grid 3.0” is what comes next: for example, a future grid with advanced grid operations and greater interactions with consumers and other infrastructures. Presenters: Sharon Allan, President and CEO of SGIP, John Caskey, Assistant Vice President of Industry Operations for the NEMA, Eric Gunther, Chairman and Chief Technology Officer for EnerNex in Knoxville Tennessee, Don Van Dollen, program manager for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Dr. David Wollman, Deputy Director, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office in the Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)