2015 North American Grid Modernization Test Bed Survey Survey of utilities, national labs, universities, and industry players Summarizes activity at 35 of the nation’s most active and important test bed sites Shows which test beds are open to new alliances Fostering smart grid test bed awareness and collaboration Aging infrastructure, increasing stress from weather-related events, and the proliferation of distributed energy resources are converging to force a dramatic uptick in grid infrastructure investment. Smart grid test beds are critical resources that allow development and testing of various new grid technologies in a controlled and economic fashion, helping both to illuminate the interaction between emerging technologies and the grid of today and to minimize the risks for utilities or industry of deploying new technologies at scale. Utilities, national labs, universities, and industry players were surveyed between March and September 2015 to discover what smart grid technologies were being evaluated in the nation’s many test beds. This survey is an initial attempt to increase awareness of smart grid testing activities underway, understand the capabilities of various test beds, and look for ways to bring better cross-connections between industry and the national labs. What’s in the report Summary of survey respondents’ locations, testing approaches (simulation versus live connection), and openness to collaboration Table of what is being tested at national labs Table of what is being tested by utilities, universities, and companies Summary of key findings Fill out this form to get the report. Name* First Last Email* Company*Title*Phone (Optional)Job Function*AdministrationBusiness DevelopmentCustomer RelationsDistributionEngineering & TechnicalGeneration & TransmissionPlanningProjects & ProgramsRegulatory, Policy & LegalOtherJob Level*C-levelVice PresidentDirectorManagerProfessional Sign me up to receive updates on Grid Integration?