Asset Management and Operations and Maintenance Resource Guide Understanding the basics of solar asset management Given the fast pace of solar installations across the country, it is important to build facilities with an eye for peak performance and longevity. With an average panel lifespan of 20+ years, planning for and maintaining adequate resources to replace parts and repair systems is essential. This resource guide provides a primer to asset managers or operations & maintenance specialists who might be new to the solar industry, or to seasoned solar professionals who may be less familiar with the asset management topic. Included in the guide is a comprehensive list of suggested reading materials by topic area. Asset Management and Operations and Maintenance Resource Guide Research report Name* First Last Email* Company* Title* Phone (Optional)Job Function*AdministrationBusiness DevelopmentCustomer RelationsDistributionEngineering & TechnicalGeneration & TransmissionPlanningProjects & ProgramsRegulatory, Policy & LegalOtherJob Level*C-levelVice PresidentDirectorManagerProfessional Sign me up to receive updates on Grid Integration?