Evaluating Communications Channel Performance During Smart Grid EMC Immunity Testing

Evaluating Communications Channel Performance During Smart Grid EMC Immunity Testing

  • Recommendations to ensure EMC immunity testing considers communications channel performance.
  • Useful guidelines for smart grid equipment manufacturers regarding communications protocols for laboratory testing.
  • Developed by testing experts from the SEPA Electromagnetic Interoperability Issues (EMII) Subgroup.

The SEPA EMII Subgroup produced this Working Group Document to support electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test laboratories.  This document ensures that the pass/fail performance criteria during EMC immunity testing considers communications channel performance when important to the operation of the smart grid-connected equipment. This Working Group Document benefits manufacturers of smart grid equipment who must be aware of the need to evaluate the criticality and acceptable performance of the communications protocols before they send their equipment to an EMC test lab for immunity testing.

If you are an employee of a SEPA member, you can join the EMCII Subgroup now. You can also learn more about all SEPA benefits to join working groups like these and more.

Evaluating Communications Channel Performance During Smart Grid EMC Immunity Testing