Guidelines for Selecting a Communications Protocol for Vehicle-Grid Integration

Guidelines for Selecting a Communications Protocol for Vehicle-Grid Integration

  • 4-step process for selecting an open communication protocol
  • 3 vehicle-to-grid integration use cases
  • Why open communication protocols are vital for utilities

What utilities need for full-scale EV deployment

Utilities are launching electric vehicle (EV) pilots and demonstration projects by the dozen. One factor of vehicle-grid integration (VGI), including managed charging and vehicle-to-everything, is required for long-term success – open communication protocols.

A communications protocol is analogous to a “language” whereby two entities speaking the same language can easily understand each other.

Standards-based communications protocols encourage innovation, enable economies of scale, and lower the cost of communication between different systems. Download this report for a four-step process that will help you choose the best protocol(s) to fit your VGI use case(s).

This paper was developed in partnership with QualityLogic, Inc. and Kitu Systems.

Key Insights:

  • Identifying and selecting communication protocols is critical to scaling and unlocking the value of VGI
  • The need for interoperability standards increases with the number of devices and size of systems deployed
  • Four leading open communication protocols are available today that can be used to aggregate EV charging activities for managed charging and vehicle-to-everything

In the report:

  • An overview of interoperability standards and communication protocols and examples of EV communication mandates to date
  • An overview of today’s top three Vehicle-Grid Integration use cases.
  • An overview of EV stakeholders and a definition of communication architectures and messaging pathways.
  • Potential information exchange requirements to support use case messaging.
  • An overview of four common VGI protocols
  • Guidelines for selecting a messaging protocol.

Executive Summary | Guidelines for Selecting a Communications Protocol for Vehicle-Grid Integration