Interoperability Profile for Electric Vehicle Fleet Managed Charging

Interoperability Profile for Electric Vehicle Fleet Managed Charging

  • Defines requirements to implement the SEPA EV Fleet Managed Charging Use Case and addresses including EV fleet charging load in demand events with IEEE 2030.5-2018
  • Addresses implementation considerations including security guidance, commissioning, group management, demand management events and communication interactions, and more
  • Provides a common language for DSOs, vendors, aggregators, EV Fleet operators, and EV owners and outlines the information exchanges required to manage EVs as grid assets

What’s In the Report

The SEPA Interoperability Profile for Electric Vehicle Managed Charging aims to facilitate smarter charging of electric vehicle fleets within the constraints faced by distribution system operators.

Based on the SEPA EV Fleet Managed Charging Use Case, the Profile outlines the information exchanges between EV Charging Station Management Systems (CSMS), DSOs, and people required to complete the function of EV Fleet participation in DSO demand management events.

Interoperability Profile for Electric Vehicle Fleet Managed Charging

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