Plugging In: How Customer Engagement Powers the Potential of VPPs

Plugging In: How Customer Engagement Powers the Potential of VPPs

This article investigates how engaging with VPPs can empower customers to become pivotal players in the clean energy transition. We will explore the crucial role of utilities, grid operators, and technology providers in fostering this engagement and unpack how their concerted efforts can help unlock the full spectrum of VPP benefits.

Insight brief key takeaways:

  • Critical Role of Information and Education: The success of VPPs is closely tied to the ability of utilities, grid operators, and technology providers to effectively inform, educate, and motivate customers about VPP participation and its benefits.
  • Transition Toward Customer Engagement: A shift toward a more interactive and participatory role for customers with their electric utilities is essential for VPP adoption and success.
  • Inclusive and Equitable Strategies: Developing targeted programs and incentives, especially for underserved communities, is critical for creating a resilient and equitable energy ecosystem with VPPs.
  • Dual Benefits of VPPs: VPPs empower customers to address environmental concerns while improving their relationship and perception of their electricity providers.
  • Importance of Effective Communication: Developing tailored communication strategies for different customer segments is crucial in ensuring that customers fully understand how to participate in and benefit from VPPs.

Plugging In: How Customer Engagement Powers the Potential of VPPs