Transactive Energy | Real World Applications for the Modern Grid
Free Research

Transactive Energy | Real World Applications for the Modern Grid

  • Detailed definition and explanation of Transactive Energy
  • Discussion of TxE as a solution to the challenges that arise from increasingly distributed resources
  • Four case studies featuring Transactive Energy projects and pilots around the country

Take Your Understanding of Transactive Energy from Theoretical to Practical

Get a clear understanding of what Transactive Energy really is and its potential to solve some of the challenges that arise with an increasingly distributed grid. Through an in-depth discussion of transactive energy definitions and real-world case studies, you’ll learn that TxE is not a hypothetical end state, but a solution that is already being actively tested and deployed.

What’s in the Report:

  • A detailed explanation of transactive energy systems as comprised of coordinated participants that use automation tools to communicate and exchange energy based on value and grid constraints
  • Discussion of the evolving roles of stakeholders in an increasingly distributed grid where transactive energy systems are being used
  • Four transactive energy case studies with detailed discussion of objectives, challenges, and outcomes

Transactive Energy | Real World Applications for the Modern Grid

Research report