Securing Logical Interfaces in a High Penetration DER Environment

Workshop hosted by the SEPA Cybersecurity Working Group

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

1 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET

10 a.m. – 2 p.m. PT

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Contact Daisy Chung at [email protected].

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) Cybersecurity Working Group is hosting a workshop for Smart Grid Cybersecurity practitioners to gather information about the use of a subset of Logical Interface Categories defined in NISTIR 7628r1, specifically, implementations of new interfaces in a High DER penetration environment.

Focused on Logical Interface Categories six, nine and sixteen, the workshop will review the categories and interfaces, and discuss and document how the interfaces are being implemented in High DER penetration environments and how the interfaces may need to evolve to align more closely with industry security needs.

The Logical Interface Categories in scope of the workshop are:

Logical Interface Category Six: Interfaces between control systems in different organizations, for example, between an RTO/ISO EMS and a utility energy management system

Logical Interface Category Nine: Interfaces with B2B connections between systems usually involving financial or market transactions, for example, between a Retail aggregator and an Energy Clearinghouse

Logical Interface Category Sixteen: Interfaces between external systems and the customer site, for example, between Third Party and HAN Gateway, between ESP and DER, or between Customer and CIS Web site.

Workshop participants who RSVP will receive pre-meeting materials to prepare for the discussion.

For questions: Please email us at [email protected]