2019 Hawaii Executive Fact Finding Mission November 3 - 8, 2019 5 Days Hawaii Registration is sold out. Stay tuned for 2020 dates. Overview Agenda Registration 2019 Hawaii Executive Fact Finding Mission A Tropical Setting For Invaluable Lessons Among Fellow Executives Registration is now closed because we have sold out. We hope you can join us next year; stay tuned for dates. Why you should attend: The deep discussions and candid sharing during this invite-only mission is a valuable experience you will not find at another event. Delegates will return home with practical, applicable lessons for their companies that may inform planning and future efforts around successfully navigating the increasing penetration of DERs, regulatory approaches and customer engagement strategies. The Unique Fact Finding Mission Experience Executive Fact Finding Missions are in-the-field learning labs for utility and clean energy executives. Mission participants go to energy markets around the world to learn from what others have done. At the conclusion of the mission, executives leave with lessons they can apply back home. Complex Questions We’ll Be Exploring When dealing with increasingly higher penetrations of DER, how do you plan for and manage grid operations to ensure operational reliability, flexibility and the ability to “bounce back” from disasters? How must regulatory structures and customer engagement strategies evolve to ensure success in a world with rapid DER growth? Want to be a mission delegate? To participate in our Fact Finding Mission, you will need an invitation. To get started, fill out the form below. First name*Last name*Email* Company/Organization (Optional)Zip Code (Optional)Message (Optional) Executive Fact Finding Mission Sponsors Share Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedIn