2020 Australia Executive Fact Finding Mission

October 25 - 30, 2020
On Hold

2020 Australia Executive Fact Finding Mission

All SEPA Executive Fact Finding Missions are on hold until further notice due to the COVID-19 crisis. Please contact us by filling out the registration form below if you would like to receive an update when this program resumes.

COVID-19 continues to disrupt business as usual across the nation and the world. SEPA is following CDC protocols to keep our members, staff and the general public safe. We remain dedicated to serve you through education, thought leadership and collaboration.

Get ready for practical lessons with fellow executives down under

If you are interested in attending, please fill out the registration form below.

You’ll be visiting Melbourne and Adelaide during your tour to discover how Australia is navigating their smart transition to a clean and modern energy future.

Why you should attend:

Connections with peers made during the deep discussions and candid sharing during this invite-only mission.

Delegates return home with practical, applicable lessons for their companies that may inform planning and future efforts.

How You Will Spend Your Time

Key Questions Delegates Will Explore

  1. Energy systems worldwide are being challenged like never before from fires, extreme heat, hurricanes and other climate changes. What strategies and tools are being deployed in Australia to ensure system reliability and the ability to quickly react to challenges?
  2. How does increased penetration of large-scale and customer-sited renewables/DERs change the business model for utilities?
  3. How can Australia’s Integrated System Plans translate to improved system planning in the US?

The Unique Fact-Finding Mission Experience

Executive Fact Finding Missions are in-the-field learning labs for utility and clean energy executives. Mission participants go to energy markets around the world to learn from what others have done. At the conclusion of the mission, executives leave with lessons they can apply back home.

Interested in registering?

Fill out the form below.



Bryan Hannegan

The SEPA Executive Mission gave me invaluable insight into how other utilities are using new technologies and practices to provide clean energy to their consumers. It helped me to not only validate my utility’s current practices, but gain a couple of new ideas that I’m looking forward to trying in the future.

- Bryan Hannegan, President & CEO, Holy Cross Energy

Want to learn more?
See past participants, additional testimonials, and more