Integrated Energy Efficiency and Demand Flexibility Promoting and Scaling Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) The study’s goal: Investigate how utility integrated energy efficiency/demand flexibility programs can promote grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) through identifying successful projects, key learnings, existing business model challenges and regulatory barriers, and case studies. Through participation, collaborators are: Highlighting their successful projects and findings that enable integrated energy efficiency, demand flexibility, and demand response programs Helping the electric industry overcome existing business model challenges and regulatory barriers Building a network to engage in peer-to-peer learning and discussion The study is convening experts for focus groups and interviews to: Identify energy efficiency, demand flexibility, and demand response programs/pilots that may promote GEBs Discuss successful projects, key learnings, and existing business model challenges and regulatory barriers Explore the future of GEBs including perspectives on the role of the utility, solution providers, and regulators, and ways the industry can promote GEBs Who is participating: Utility employees responsible for innovating customer facing and community programs. Regulatory and governing authorities/staff that oversee energy efficiency and customer demand/load management Solution providers involved in energy efficiency, demand response, and demand flexibility programs SEPA is conducting this study in partnership with