Preparing for an Electric Vehicle Future Highlights

Executive Talking Points

  • EV adoption presents an opportunity for utilities to increase customer engagement and be seen as a champion of positive change.
  • Utilities must streamline processes and organization structures and create new business models to support EV rollouts.
  • Right-sizing EV charging infrastructure is crucial to avoiding unnecessary project delays, cost, and grid impacts.
  • Expected EV infrastructure upgrade costs will drive new economic models, requiring discussions with stakeholders to begin early.

Recommendations to Prepare for Increased EV Adoption

Keys to Customer Engagement


– Serve as the Trusted Advisor

– Be Honest About Your Starting Place

– Support Customers, EV Drivers, and Fleets

– Provide Transparency

– Understand Stakeholder Challenges

Opportunities to Minimize EV Infrastructure Challenges

  1. Reduce Soft Costs

  2. Right-Size EV Charging Infrastructure

  3. Enforce Standards and Safety

  4. Fairly Distribute Costs

  5. Making Strategic Investments


Keys to Utility Planning, Forecasting, and Load Management

  • Integrate EVs into Planning Tools

  • Enhance Distribution Planning

  • Publish Tools

  • Plan for Load Management Strategies

Get the Full Report

Preparing for an Electric Vehicle Future: How Utilities Can Succeed