Microgrid Design Framework

Microgrid Design Framework

  • 10 step process for microgrid design
  • Key questions to consider for matching resilience solutions with resilience problems
  • How to analyze the site, customer, economics and more

10 Steps To Standardize The Microgrid Design Process

There is no standard template for a microgrid, but there is a standard process for design. When it comes to solving a resilience problem, microgrids can often be a viable solution for customers and utilities.  The challenge with microgrid design is that it can easily become a siloed process where customers, utilities and third-parties are not communicating well or at all. Microgrids are most successful when utilities and third-parties work together to gather foundational information upfront and engage with stakeholders. Download this framework to guide you through the entire design process from project roles to operating procedures.

After reading you’ll:

  • Understand how to gather the information vital to a successful microgrid design
  • Determine if a microgrid is the best resilience solution for the identified problem or if the problem can be addressed by non-microgrid resilience solutions, like distribution and transmission grid upgrades.
  • Identify key questions for project partners to consider
  • Recognize how to approach microgrid projects holistically

If you are an employee of a SEPA member, join the SEPA Microgrid Working Group. You can also learn more about all SEPA benefits to join working groups like these and more.

Executive Summary