Jump start Your Utility Relationships

When you become a SEPA member, you could receive a major discount on your Solar Power International (or North America Smart Energy Week) booth.

Why Your Company Should Join the Smart Electric Power Alliance

  • Get an insiders perspective on the utility planner’s process
  • Generate leads through virtual and in-person networking
  • Increase the ROI on your SPI (or North America Smart Energy Week) booth

An active SEPA member, Fractal saved big on their North American Smart Energy Booth

“There’s just something about the way SEPA runs that allows us to have a more collaborative dialogue with utilities.”

Seth Frader-Thompson, President & CEO, EnergyHub

Who Will Benefit From SEPA Membership At Your Company?


Gain reach and insight with utility companies. Get discounts for industry events and give your team access to customers, information and expertise.


Talk directly to customers and channel partners. Grow the network you need to fuel new sales programs with cutting-edge information and offerings.


Improve your competitive advantage with access to working groups, webinars and a wide network of peers. Join monthly calls to learn about new technologies.


Get direct access to top tier executives, government and academic leaders. Give your teams the network and support they need to succeed.