The 51st State Initiative

A Collaborative Community for Defining the Future of the Electric Power Sector

It’s not DC or Puerto Rico — it’s a fresh start.


The 51st State doesn’t refer to DC or Puerto Rico, it’s a blank slate jurisdiction for the electric power sector, free from existing regulatory and statutory constraints. With this freedom, we are creating a power sector designed to enable the optimal deployment of distributed energy resources, distribution system technologies, and more.

Within the 51st state, industry thought leaders find a space away from the contentious debates of market and rate reform where they can collaborate and share ideas about the future of the electric sector.

51st State Community

Rob Caldwell

By bringing together the best ideas from across the electric power sector, the 51st State is exploring some of the most innovative and interesting concepts for a modern grid.

- Rob Caldwell, Senior Vice President - Distributed Energy Resources, Duke Energy

Jigar Shah

The work that Julia Hamm has been doing at SEPA on this 51st State regulatory work has really moved the ball forward in a big way.

- Jigar Shah, President & Co-Founder, Generate Capital

I read all the concept papers in detail. After, I created a new position within my utility focused on the utility of the future.

- Anonymous, Chief Executive Officer, Investor Owned Utility

I know, and have enormously benefited from your 51st State project.

- Anonymous, Commission Staffer, Anonymous Public Utility Commission

Participating Organizations Include:

(Plus many more)

American Public Power Association
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Energy Innovation LLC
Rocky Mountain Institute
Black & Veatch

Landis & Gyr
Arizona Public Service
Southern California Edison
Scott Madden

How You Build the 51st State




51st State Perspectives

Choosing the Destination

(2014 – 2015)

In the first phase, we asked the industry to envision a perfect electricity market, without current constraints and existing paradigms.

Drawing the Roadmaps

(2015 – 2016)

Now that we know where we are going, we need to map out how to get there. Phase II takes the bold, new destinations and creates real pathways to guide a transition to the future of electricity.

The Journey


Phase III is the toolkit and community to start down the path to a clean electricity future.

51st State Perspectives

Distributed Energy Resources Integration: Policy, Technical, and Regulatory Perspectives from New York and California

This report is a condensed guide to thousands of pages of regulatory filings. Readers will see areas of overlap and divergence in the goals and execution of electricity system reform in each state.

DERs Are Coming and Illinois Is Ready for Them

GridWise Alliance ranked this Midwestern State No. 2 in its modernization index – but Illinois isn’t content with second place.

Voices from Colorado’s Global Energy Settlement

Finding productive pathways forward in a changing electric industry can be hard. Hear the behind-the-scenes voices from CO’s ground-breaking, hard fought settlement between a utility and 26 intervenors.

51st State Action

SEPA and the 51st State is helping groups and jurisdictions across the US work through energy sector transformations through a collaborative, 51st State principles approach.

Want more information?

Initiative Resources

Submitted by: SEPA
51st State Phase I Launch Document

51st State Phase I Launch Document

Submitted by: SEPA
Submitted by: SEPA
51st State Phase I Summary of Submissions

51st State Phase I Summary of Submissions

Submitted by: SEPA
Submitted by: SEPA
51st State Phase I Summit Highlights – Visions for Future Electricity Markets

51st State Phase I Summit Highlights – Visions for Future Electricity Markets

Submitted by: SEPA
Submitted by: SEPA
51st State Phase II Launch Document – Developing Roadmaps to the Future

51st State Phase II Launch Document – Developing Roadmaps to the Future

Submitted by: SEPA
Submitted by: SEPA
51st State Phase II Summit Highlights – Mapping the dynamics of energy transformation

51st State Phase II Summit Highlights – Mapping the dynamics of energy transformation

Submitted by: SEPA
Submitted by: SEPA

Blueprint for Electricity Market Reform – Building a structure for collaborative stakeholder discuss...

Submitted by: SEPA

The electric industry is changing. But, changing to what? And how will that change unfold?

The 51st State Initiative ( takes a journey with over two dozen utilities, trade associations, industry analysts, tech-start-up entrepreneurs and visionaries as they attempt to answer these questions.

Scores of submissions have been summarized to provide a pathway forward through ideas and actions. The submission doctrines establish ideas that stakeholders can agree upon at the outset of conversations regarding market transformation. The roadmaps allows local markets and stakeholders to work together on tangible transition plans.


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