2019 Utility Energy Storage Market Snapshot Energy Storage deployment data by utility type and market segment Interconnection data from over 211 US electric utilities Market drivers including energy storage policy updates and programs Energy Storage Interconnections Accelerate in 2018 Download the two-page summary 2018 was a banner year for energy storage growth with the residential and Public Power Utility markets thriving under favorable policies and falling costs, growing by 1400% and 500% respectively. Across the residential, non-residential, and utility-supply markets SEPA found a 2018 market growth of 45%. The utility survey underpinning this annual, must-read report yields insight into the national market, industry trends, policy impacts, and energy storage technology. Download this report to get what no other industry report can deliver, unbiased analysis and figures based on verified interconnection data from over 211 US utilities. 2018 Key Findings: Energy storage interconnections grew by 45%. Residential storage demonstrated the highest growth of all markets, with a 500% increase in interconnections. Investor-owned Utilities accounted for 64.3% of MWh interconnected to the grid. 5 states have an energy storage target in place. Lithium-ion storage asset costs have decreased 73% since 2013. What’s in the Report U.S. energy storage rankings by utility in megawatt hours (MWh) and watts per customer (Wh/C). Energy storage market deployment by utility type and market segment. Highlights of the largest U.S. energy storage projects. Market drivers including energy storage policy updates and programs. Lithium Ion cost trends and future energy storage technology needs. 2019 Utility Energy Storage Market Snapshot Research report Name* First Last Email* Company*Title*Phone (Optional)Organization Type*UtilityCorporateGovernment, Non-Profit & Education Sign me up to receive updates on Electrification, Grid Integration and Regulatory & Business Innovation?