How to Design Multi-User Microgrid Tariffs Key questions at each stage of designing a tariff Frameworks for structuring microgrid tariffs Real-world examples of legislative and regulatory action Developing a community or multi-user microgrid tariff? Start here States, communities, and utilities are beginning to identify the resiliency benefit and clean energy resource value of microgrids. Unlike single-user microgrids, multi-user or community microgrids link distributed energy resources (DERs) with multiple customers across a distribution system to create a resilient island. Download this white paper to help identify what is within the scope of a multi-user microgrid tariff, which elements to include, and how to structure it. Utilities, regulators and other industry stakeholders can use this report to guide the development of a multi-user microgrid tariff. What’s included: Microgrid terminology and archetypes to clear-up misunderstandings Initial strategic considerations for identifying objectives, operational structures, and services to address Summary of multi-user microgrid blue-sky and island services Framework on how to structure the tariff, including an example list of tariff provisions and related processes, forms and agreements Key questions to consider at each stage of the microgrid tariff developmental process Insights from real-world legislative and regulatory actions that address barriers to microgrid tariffs How to Design Multi-User Microgrid Tariffs Name* First Last Email* Company*Title*Organization Type*UtilityCorporateGovernment, Non-Profit & Education Sign me up to receive updates on Grid Integration?