Utilities’ path to a carbon-free energy system


Credit: The Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Geographic Information Science & Technology group generated the electric utility service territory maps displayed above.

For more information on the SEPA Utility Carbon-Reduction Tracker’s methodology, see the FAQ page.

Recently announced carbon-reduction targets

March 2024 | Salt River Project
Net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
November 2023 | Tucson Electric Power
Net-zero direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
January 2023 | Pasadena Water and Power
100% carbon-free electricity by the end of 2030.
November 2022 | AVANGRID
Carbon neutral scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.

Utility Carbon Reduction: By the Numbers

Of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a carbon-reduction target, or a utility owned by a parent company with a carbon-reduction target

Of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a 100% carbon-reduction target, or a utility owned by a parent company with a 100% carbon-reduction target
Individual Utilities vs. Utility Parent Companies

Individual Utilities – 48%

of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a voluntary or mandatory 100% carbon-reduction target

Utility Parent Companies – 32%

of U.S. customer accounts are served by a utility owned by a parent company with a voluntary 100% carbon-reduction target

Additional Stats

Individual Utilities

588 Individual utilities are preparing to meet a state’s 100% carbon-reduction requirement

60 Individual utilities have adopted a voluntary carbon-reduction target

48 Individual utilities have adopted a voluntary 100% carbon-reduction target

Utility Parent Companies

29 Utility parent companies have adopted a voluntary carbon-reduction target

28 Utility parent companies have adopted a voluntary 100% carbon-reduction target

Notes on the data presented in this section appear at the bottom of the page

Download the data

Download a CSV file of selected data from the SEPA Utility Carbon-Reduction Tracker


Questions or comments about the SEPA Utility Carbon-Reduction Tracker? Email [email protected].

For reporters or government officials, contact [email protected].

Additional Resources

For more information on carbon-reduction targets, check out these industry resources.

Notes on data presented in “Utility Carbon Reduction: By the Numbers” section above

  • 83% of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a carbon-reduction target, or a utility owned by a parent company with a carbon-reduction target – includes targets adopted by G&Ts
  • 80% of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a 100% carbon-reduction target, or a utility owned by a parent company with a 100% carbon-reduction target – includes targets adopted by G&Ts
  • 48% of U.S. customer accounts are served by an individual utility with a voluntary or mandatory 100% carbon-reduction target – excludes targets adopted by utility parent companies; includes targets adopted by G&Ts
  • 588 individual utilities are preparing to meet a state’s 100% carbon-reduction requirement – excludes targets adopted by utility parent companies and G&Ts
  • 60 individual utilities have adopted a voluntary carbon-reduction target –  excludes targets adopted by utility parent companies; includes targets adopted by G&Ts
  • 48 individual utilities have adopted a voluntary 100% carbon-reduction target – excludes targets adopted by utility parent companies; includes targets adopted by G&Ts